Deliverance and Prayer Handbook for Children: Securing Children’s Destiny Through Prayers & Actions (Volume 1)
‘We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future – US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, One of the greatest assets of any generation is children. Whatever is precious in life must be protected; otherwise, it shall be lost, stolen, or destroyed. The destiny of every child is very precious and therefore must be protected from every form of abuse. In life, there is hardly any success by default. Every story of success is a testament of deliberate action, same with the destiny of children. Every child who grew up to be a successful adult is a product of deliberate action of some parent or guardian. Because of the vital significance of children in every generation, their destiny must be protected through appropriate moral, social, religious and educational upbringing, and targeted parental prayers and actions to achieve desired results. As it is said, Action without prayer is arrogance and prayer without action is hypocrisy. We must pray, watch and take action. This book addresses peculiar issues that children encounter at different stages of development, and how they can be successfully confronted and conquered by parents. It is recommended that this book should be used in conjunction with volume 2 to get maximum benefit from it.
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